Monday, October 24, 2011

Just a tad busy lately!

Wow the past month has been a whirl wind! And I thought I was going to be bored when the kids got into school! Boy was I wrong!

First of all probably the biggest thing on my plate was the school carnival! It was a lot of work but it was so rewarding at the end. It was a huge success and we had great attendance.

I worked on boxes for a client. Had about a week and a half to make 120 boxes! You can check them out here:

And lastly I am super excited that I am starting to sub as a para educator in my kids school district!
This will give me the flexibility to be home when I need to be and not ever have to worry about childcare! Woohoo. I got my first call to sub on Friday but unfortunately it was the same day as the school carnival and I was running around like a crazy woman trying to get everything ready!

So If I haven't been on here or updating lately that's what I've been up too!
Here are some pictures from the carnival!
This was the line to buy tickets! It looked like this pretty much all night!
We sold 18,000 + tickets! WOW

Pretty sure counting all kids and adults we had close to 500 people!
Carnival games
Face painting
Cake walk
and much, much more!